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Revving Up For the Year Ahead

Joanne Myers

It is time to “rev up” our engines for the fall. In preparation, it’s good to think about how to align your goals and balance your priorities with what lies ahead for you at school and in your life at home. We are so fortunate that every fall is a new and refreshing time for us as educators – new students, new colleagues, new parents to communicate with, and new opportunities for professional learning. Heading back to school is an exciting time for everyone. As one of my grade 1 students once said, “A teacher is someone who goes to school longer than anyone else in the whole world.” For many of us that is exactly why we chose to become educators. Lifelong learning is part of what refuels and reinvigorates us.

Below are some important things to reflect upon as you try to keep your engine oiled, tuned up, and running smoothly  for your year ahead:

  • The transitioning of lifestyle and routines from the summer months to a busy school year can be challenging. Communication is crucial. Plan a conversation with your loved ones about your school- year routines.
  • Discuss how you can share priorities and workload in your home for the months ahead.
  • Try to schedule at least one night a week when you eat together as a family and chat about your week and the week ahead (no cell phones allowed!).
  • At school, connecting with your students in a meaningful way in the fall should be a priority, as it sets a positive tone for your year ahead. Plan some short collaborative activities that encourage students to interact so that they get to know one another, and get to know you as their teacher.
  • Reinforce and practise the components of co-operative learning through activities like positive interdependence, individual accountability, group processing/problem solving, social skills, and face-to-face interaction.
  • Plan consistent activities that reinforce and review those routines; don’t wait until they begin to fall apart.
  • Prioritize time to network with your colleagues, especially your grade partners. Make time to share your instructional plans, your assessment tools and strategies, your successes, and your challenges.
  • Support each other when needed and celebrate the smallest of successes together.
  • Communicate your enthusiasm and plans for the year ahead with your students’ parents so that they feel connected and informed. Positive connections and communication about your classroom routines will encourage them to become your advocate
  • Recognize when your engine is stalling or running low on gas and take time to rest and refuel.
  • Keep in touch with your union through and the ETFO e-Newsletter, where you can learn about professional learning opportunities; resources to support you in your classroom, school, and community; and upcoming events and opportunities.

Enjoy this new year. Embrace it with a positive  attitude  and  be  prepared to  shift gears as needed. Continue to use your professional judgment in all areas of your role as an educator. It is through our practice and expertise that we continue to take this profession to a higher level!