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The Power of Partnership

Jan Moxey

What happens when a teachers’ union decides to investigate a complex societal issue such as eating disorders? They create a web that connects researchers, community  organizations, schools, teachers and their students. They make change.

From the General Secretary: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Gene Lewis

Every year  the  president  and  general  secretary of  ETFO  go to Queen’s Park to make a presentation to the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee. Our  goal is to influence government decisions prior to the release of the school grants later in the spring.

Just Say " No!" (From the President)

Emily Noble

ETFO has never supported the standardized tests administered by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). Your federation has been speaking out against them from the time the tests were first introduced.

Pension Changes Take Effect in January (OTF Report)

Hilda Watkins

For the past two years OTF has been advising members of an actuarial funding deficiency in the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP). OTPP is one of the biggest and best pension plans in the world.

Arts Education and User Fees (CTF Report)

Winston Carter

From an early age, children naturally immerse themselves in drama, dance, music, the visual arts, literary arts, and the media: to play, to learn, to communicate, to celebrate, and to discover who they are.

"Effaçons les préjugés pour de bon"

Ces plans de leçons sont tirés du document Effaçons les préjugé pour de bon, la traduction de l’excellent  document d’appui au curriculum, W