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Teacher Leadership Today

Johanna Brand

THIS IS THE THIRD  ANNUAL  special edition of Voice. In 2007 our special issue theme was teacher-led professional learning. In  2008  we focused on  education  and poverty. This time the spotlight is on leadership. Almost every issue of Voice contains an article or two by teacher leaders, members who share their pedagogical strategies or their lesson plans and invite their colleagues to make use of their work. This issue extends the notion of leadership to bring you stories of ETFO members who are leaders not only in the classroom but in their federation and their communities.

Nicole Walter Rowan and Meghan Jewell describe a profession learning program that came about  because teachers took the initiative to find resources for the learning they needed.

A Big Idea Comes to Life

Everyone learns when experienced teachers work with colleagues at the beginning of their careers.

A Tale of Two Mentors

One story in the 2008 special issue featured the Model Schools for Inner Cities program that operates in high needs neighbourhoods of the Toronto District School Board. As part of this initiative, ETFO member Harpreet Ghuman works to expand the ways in which educators support students.

Leading and Learning with the Community

Former staff member, Wendy Matthews, retired from ETFO but not from teaching or leadership. After working with teachers in Cambodia, she has become an education advisor to an international development organization. Adventures in Leadership:

Bringing a Lifetime of Learning to Rural Cambodia

Dr. Susan Dion’s article focuses on the distinctive leadership style of Aboriginal women across Canada.

Aboriginal  Women Practising  Leadership

Elizabeth Barnett became a leader because she was ‘tapped on the shoulder.’ She continues that tradition as she combines community activism with a full teaching load.

A Tap on the Shoulder Bears Fruit

ETFO activist, Darline Pomeroy, is a First Nations woman whose years as a volunteer in a national organization have enriched her teaching.

Following Her Passion Creates a Leader

As president of the Kingston & District Labour Council, Debi Wells illustrates ETFO’s connection to the broader labour movement.

Teacher, Union Leader, Social Activist

There are many roads to leadership. For Laurel Liddicoat- Newton the leadership journey started with workplace health and safety.

Scratch and Win: Workplace  Illness Creates a Leader

Local leaders are the face of  ETFO in the community. Dave Wing grew into the role of local leader in Kawartha Pine Ridge with mentoring and support from colleagues.

Taking on the Challenge of Local Leadership

Not  all  ETFO leaders  are  teachers and  not  all  are  in elementary schools. Educational assistant, Lori Kuzyk, is an award-winning leader.
A Quiet Leader Is Recognized


The profiles in this issue are a mere sampling of the leaders among ETFO members. Every day, in classrooms and communities across the province and abroad, ETFO members work to make a difference. We celebrate all of your efforts and achievements.