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Customer Service Standards in Schools (Disability Issues)

Christine Brown

Does  a  parent who  is  blind  have  the right to bring a  guide dog into school on  “meet  the  teacher” night, even  if the  teacher is  allergic to  dogs? If  an elevator will be closed for maintenance, must the board inform potential users?

My Goal: A More Open and Accountable Federation (From the President)

Sam Hammond

As you read this I trust you will be settled into the new school year. For educators September is a month of  change and adjustment, of setting goals, and establishing a classroom routine. By now you and your students are moving forward, working to make your goals a reality.

ETFO Is a Union of Leaders (From the General Secretary)

Gene Lewis

ETFO is an organization made up of  73,000 potential leaders. Most of our members chose education as a career because they wanted to lead and  support others, to help them grow and  achieve. Without that  impulse it’s unlikely you would have wanted to  become a teacher in the first place.