2012 Collective Bargaining Goals Approved (Collective Bargaining)
ETFO collective agreements expire next August. Preparations for the next round of bargaining are now underway. In 2004 and 2008 bargaining took place at both the provincial and local levels. We do not know if there will be a provincial component this time around. To prepare for negotiations, ETFO develops provincial bargaining goals that apply to all members. Your local develops goals that are specific to the needs of your local and school board. In his column on page 4, ETFO President Sam Hammond discusses the development and approval process for the provincial goals. They are the result of a rigorous process of consultation and analysis that involved ETFO locals, provincial leadership, and staff. These provincial goals reflect the federation’s priorities – they are a target we are working towards. ETFO collective bargaining staff will work closely with your local team to incorporate these goals and your local issues into your preliminary submission.
The bargaining goals for teacher members are
- Elimination of the existing 2 percent salary differential
- Real salary increases
- Maximum class sizes in all grades and programs
- Improved preparation time
- Limits on teacher work load
- Benefit improvements
- Improved pregnancy and parental entitlements
- Language that ensures that vice principals and principals do not engage in bargaining unit work
- Experience credit to include all occasional teacher work.
The bargaining goals for occasional teacher members are
- Real salary increases
- Paid professional learning
- Capped lists
- Benefit improvements
- Language to provide priority hiring for permanent positions and LTO assignments
- Experience credit to include all occasional teacher work.
The bargaining goals for ESP/PSP members are
- Real salary increases
- Benefit improvements
- Guaranteed and improved working conditions.
The bargaining goals for DECE members are
- Real salary increases
- Benefit improvements
- Guaranteed and improved working conditions.