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I Say Goodbye (again). You Say Hello.

Johanna Brand

In the June 2011 issue of Voice  I said goodbye, anticipating that it would be the last issue I would be editing. Things were not so straightforward: I found myself continuing on for a few months more than I had anticipated. But now it is truly time for my last goodbye. ETFO has hired a new editor, and it is my good fortune to be able to introduce her.

Izida Zorde has been an editor, community organizer, and analyst. She holds an MA from OISE in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education. For the past seven years, she has been the editor of Fuse Magazine, an internationally-distributed publication on culture and politics. Before that she served as an editor with the Russia Journal  in Moscow. She has also written for This Magazine, Now Magazine,  and Walrus. Izida has a strong interest in mobilizing communities and brings expertise in engaging readers by creating programming, employing internet and mobile technologies, and social networking and social media strategies. She is very excited to be joining the ETFO team and looks forward to developing Voice  into a truly twenty-first century publication. I have appreciated the support of members and staff during my time at ETFO, in particular my colleagues in communications and government relations and our administrative assistants. ETFO is truly an organization to be proud of.

I wish you all the best for the upcoming holidays and for all your future endeavours.