Standing Proud and Moving Forward
On November 2, 2015, ETFO reached a central agreement with OPSBA and the Crown. For the first time in history, the definition of teacher professional judgement was included in our collective agreement. The definition is as follows:
C2.5 “Professional Judgement shall be defined as judgement that is informed by professional knowledge of curriculum expectations, context, evidence of learning, methods of instruction and assessment, and the criteria and standards that indicate success in student learning. In professional practice, judgement involves a purposeful and systematic thinking process that evolves in terms of accuracy and insight with ongoing reflection and self-correction.”
ETFO has been advocating for the recognition of teacher professional judgement for years, especially in the areas of assessment and reporting. The inclusion of the definition in the new central agreement is a significant win for ETFO and the teaching profession. It supports our members in making decisions based on their knowledge of assessment, reporting and beyond. It recognizes the value of our members’ wisdom and experience in all areas of their teaching practice and restores balance in their professional lives.
ETFO member feedback from surveys and programs reinforces the value of learning from one another and the importance of networking. The opportunity to work together to make professional decisions improves motivation and helps develop a healthier teaching and learning environment for all. It builds a community of collaborative inquiry that empowers members to make insightful choices about the resources we use, our instructional practices, how we interact with our students, how we carry out assessments in the classroom, how we comment on our report cards, etc. It is also an integral piece in how we communicate with parents. It is a fundamental aspect of our daily teaching practice and this is our time to stand proud.
ETFO provincial staff are preparing resources and workshops to support members in developing a deeper awareness and understanding of professional judgement and how to exercise it.
Board administrators are well aware of the inclusion of this definition in the central agreement and should be supporting the concept throughout their school communities and in collaboration with the locals.
These are positive and inspiring times. ETFO is excited about planning for the days ahead. Continuing to educate teachers about their professional judgement will be a priority reflected in resources and programs to come. Professional judgement is a stronger part of the ETFO identity than ever before and it feels good!
Joanne Myers is an executive staff member at ETFO.