Fall 2023
2023 Annual Meeting Recap; Standing Firm Against Hate: 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion in Public Schools; Understanding Climate Change and Bringing Advocacy, Art and indigenous Wisdom in the Classroom; From English Language Learner to Multilingual Learner
Where Do Your Feelings Live?
By Catherine Hernandez, illustrated by Myriam Chery. HarperCollins Canada, 2022. 32 pages, $24.99.
Buffalo Wild!
By Deidre Havrelock, illustrated by Azby Whitecalf. Annick Press, 2021. 32 pages, $21.95.
The Gift of Playful Learning: A Guide for Educators
By Nadia Kenisha Bynoe and Angelique Thompson. Shell Education, 2023. 232 pages, $60.
By Valerie Sherrard. DCB/Cormorant Books, 2021. 232 pages, $13.95.