Your Federation: Winter 2024
Fall Representative Council
Karen Brown welcomed local leaders to fall Representative Council. Reflecting on a probable early spring election in Ontario, Brown spoke about the importance of representing the effects of cuts to public education on educators across the province.
From the Editor
Dr. Sue Winton on Privatization Creep
The Data and the Details
Mapping Ontario School Board Funding Cuts.
Mastering the Mystery of Benefits Funding
Your collective agreement includes over a dozen pages of technical information about how the provincial benefits plan is funded and managed.
Due South: Attacks on American Unions and Public Education
A severe budget cirsis and a president bent on turning public education on its head have given Republican-led states in the United States a convenient excuse to attack union rights, public education and teachers.
Carbon-Offsetting: Ecosystem 2000 to the Rescue
Scott Young Public School is a grade 5 to 8 school in Omemee, a community west of Peterborough. The school is the home of an award-winning environmental education program.
Closing the Gap: Fairness for teachers and students (From the President)
ETFO’s campaign to Close the Gap is about standing up for fairness and equality for our students and ourselves.
Imagining Poverty: ETFO’s Professional Learning Projects: Opening Our Minds, Opening Our Doors
A funny thing happened while working on our anti-poverty project. We learned something! We learned that it isn’t so much what we can do for students, but how we do it that makes a difference.
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