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Kathleen Wynne

Your Federation: A Roundup of Federation News

Ontario’s new Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable David Onley, (left) spoke to local leaders at the February Representative Council meeting about the challenges of living with a disability.

Your Federation: A Roundup of Federation News

  • At its last meeting before the next provincial election,  delegates  attending  ETFO’s  Representative  Council heard from Education Minister Kathleen Wynne. Wynne outlined the Liberal government’s improvements to education  during  its  four  years  in  office.

A Message from the Minister of Education

Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Minister of Education

As the Minister of Education, it is my privilege and responsibility to visit as many schools and classrooms as I can across the province. By experiencing your classrooms first-hand, I can begin to see the impact of decisions made by government at Queen’s Park.

Kathleen Wynne: Focus on Ontario’s First Female Premier

Vivian McCaffrey

Kathleen Wynne comes to her new position as Liberal leader and Ontario premier with a strong background in education and grassroots politics. She is breaking ground by being Ontario’s first female premier and openly gay.