Aboriginal Women Practicing Leadership
My understanding of leadership as practised by Aboriginal women is derived from my experiences working with, reading, listening to, and sometimes observing from a distance the work of Aboriginal women.
My understanding of leadership as practised by Aboriginal women is derived from my experiences working with, reading, listening to, and sometimes observing from a distance the work of Aboriginal women.
Wendy Matthews loves a challenge. She found one worthy of her talents in Samlaut, Cambodia.
When I was a young learner there was a clearly defined understanding of the role of teachers in schooling and in their interactions with students and families.
Mentors play an important role in creating the possibility for happy endings for new teachers: that despite the stress and demands of their first year, they will become highly effective professionals who enjoy a fulfilling career.
ETFO is an organization made up of 73,000 potential leaders. Most of our members chose education as a career because they wanted to lead and support others, to help them grow and achieve.
7 juillet 2008, départ d’Ottawa pour le Burkin Faso en Afrique de l’Ouest, surnommé le « Pays des hommes intègres ». Nous étions trois femmes et un homme venus de quatre provinces différentes.
In my second year of teaching I was provided with a powerful professional opportunity when I became part of the leadership team for a new, not-yet-opened school.
Last year ETFO commissioned OISE/UT professor Ken Leithwood to examine the current research on what teacher working conditions will improve student learning.
PD on the Fly is a great way for teachers to grow professionally, easily and on their own time. So often teachers get that “late for school” feeling as they rush to join after-school professional development sessions already in progress. PD on the Fly gets rid of all that.
Last spring the special education resource team at Newcastle Public School volunteered to participate in a professional learning community project that paired special education resource teachers (SERTs) with classroom teachers.