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Aboriginal Women Practicing Leadership

Susan Dion

My understanding of leadership as practised by Aboriginal women is derived from my experiences working with, reading, listening to, and sometimes observing from a distance the work of Aboriginal women.

Leading and Learning With the Community

Harpreet Ghuman

When I was a young learner there was a clearly defined understanding of the role of teachers in schooling and in their interactions with students and families.

Lead On: A Tale of Two Mentors

Jodie Howcroft

Mentors play an important role in creating the possibility for happy endings for new teachers: that despite the stress and demands of their first year, they will become highly effective professionals who enjoy a fulfilling career.

ETFO Is a Union of Leaders (From the General Secretary)

Gene Lewis

ETFO is an organization made up of  73,000 potential leaders. Most of our members chose education as a career because they wanted to lead and  support others, to help them grow and  achieve. Without that  impulse it’s unlikely you would have wanted to  become a teacher in the first place.

Teachers as Leaders: A Powerful Force (Professional Services)

Jerry DeQuetteville

In my second year of teaching I was provided with a powerful professional opportunity when I  became  part  of  the  leadership  team  for  a new, not-yet-opened school. The four of us met regularly with the principal and helped to determine the school’s general philosophy.