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Hamster Teaches Literacy

Jim Giles

Literacy has become a priority in Ontario schools: uninterrupted literacy blocks are now part of the daily timetable in many primary and junior classrooms.

Your Federation: a Roundup of Federation News

Representative council

Representative Council brings together presidents and delegates of ETFO’s teacher, occasional teacher, and professional and education support worker locals. Council meets three times a year.

Book & Backpack

Jim Giles

Home and school partnerships that keep going and going...

Literacy Links... Generations of Readers Ioaether

Seema Mehta

Passion is an extreme word, and like most extreme words, it carries a heavy weight that is difficult to uplift by the force of just one person, perhaps because it is so strongly rooted in the elements of knowledge, success and appreciation.

The Silver Birch Reading Award Program: The Children's Choice

Jacqui Shields and Cathie Rose

As teacher-librarians, we collaborate with our classroom teachers to identify students who are reading at an independent level, and who could benefit from an enriched reading program. One such program is the Ontario Library Association’s Silver Birch Reading Award.

Attitude is the Key to Success

Heather Knill-Grlesser

In our increasingly technological world, it is essential that students develop their skills in mathematics. My action research project began with a review of the Summary of Attitudes of Grade 3 Students in our school from the 1998 Grade 3 EQAO Provincial Assessment.

Summer Reading: Fiona Nelson Shares Her Top Three Books

Charlotte Morgan

I cant imagine better preparation for becoming a politician that being trained as a kindergarten teacher, ” says Fiona Nelson, former kindergarten teacher, school trustee, passionate advocate for children and avid reader.