
Invitations to Play: Using Play to Build Literacy Skills in Young Learners
The Lost Art of Play
If adult learning is child’s play, then the teachers gathered on this cold Saturday morning in March understand what is meant by the expression “Playing is learning and learning is playing.”
Toys as Tools: Using E-Games for Learning
My daughters were supposed to be doing their homework, but I heard too much giggling not to be suspicious. Homework is not supposed to be giggly. Then, from down the hallway, I heard snippets of the following conversation: “I used fences for teeth.
The Ultimate Block Party: ETFO Sponsors Play-Based Learning in the Park (Early Learning)
Imagine thousands of children and adults making cityscapes with blocks, or creating art and sculptures with paint, cardboard boxes, and plastic pipe.
The Ultimate Block Party: Celebrating the importance of Play (From the General Secretary)
When the Ontario government unveiled the province’s full-day kindergarten program last year, it ushered in a new era in early learning.
Play Makes Program Unique: Partners in Early Learning Conference (Professional Services)
Ontario’s Early Learning Program and its play-based curriculum will set a new standard for early childhood education, according to renowned psychologist Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek. “What you are doing here is historic for the world,” Dr.
Benin Big Book Project: Creating Books for Young Learners
During the summer of 2008 we were working in Benin, in partnership with Right To Play, the Benin Ministry of Education, and the Benin teacher union, SYNAEM, to develop and implement a new curriculum.
Your Federation: A Roundup of Federation News
- ETFO Members who are innovating with technology are taking part in a new professional development program, Innoteach. At their first meeting, each member of the core group submit
Letters to the Editor
re: Attawapiskat campaign
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