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Professional Learning

Professional Learning Communities Sharing Knowledge and Leadership: Collaborating and Communicating Online

Rhea Perreira-Foyle

Reflections on Practice is a women’s leadership institute based on the concept of professional learning communities (PLCs). Forty female teachers from all over Ontario come together for four days in the summer and two days each in the fall and spring, to learn more about PLCs, to collaborate with each other, and to refine their teaching practices. Each participant is expected to complete an action research project on a topic of her choice.

Imagining Leadership: Learning While Leading

Ruth Dawson, Jane Bennett

Graduates  of  education  faculties  embark  on an exciting learning journey. Teachers have the opportunity throughout their careers to teach in a variety of roles in their school. A leadership role appeals to some. At one time, this meant becoming a principal.

Professional Learning with You at the Centre

Ruth Dawson, Anne Rodrigue, Johanna Brand
This issue of Voice is about the changing nature of professional learning. Effective professional learning is about you and your needs, and the needs of your students. It is learning you choose and direct for yourself, and it occurs every day in the course of your work.

A Message from the Minister of Education

Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Minister of Education

As the Minister of Education, it is my privilege and responsibility to visit as many schools and classrooms as I can across the province. By experiencing your classrooms first-hand, I can begin to see the impact of decisions made by government at Queen’s Park.