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Professional Learning

Teachers Learning Together (Professional Services)

Jane Bennett

Over the winter holidays I discovered The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha, who decided that there was so much bad news in the world and in his own life that he needed to find and blog about a single, simple joy every day – things like the yeasty smell of a bakery, finding money in your po

Teachers as Researchers

Johanna Brand

In this article, participants in Reflections on Practice (ROP) and in the Teachers Learning Together (TLT) programs reflect on the impact their involvement had on their students, their teaching practice, and their professional lives.

Your Federation

Members of provincial parliament met with ETFO presidents and executive members at an informal breakfast gathering.

Sharing, Teaching, Learning (Professional Services)

Johanna Brand and Ann Rodrigue

Every year thousands  of ETFO members  take part in a rich form of professional learning, learning that takes place in their own classrooms.  It’s  a learning opportunity that happens when they agree to become associate teachers. Associate teachers are those who volunteer to have a student teache

Your Federation

You may not have a disability now but you will probably have one eventually. That makes persons with disabilities “the minority of everyone,” says David Lepofsky.

New School Year, New Resources (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

Is there any time in the school year that is more hectic than the  fall?  Arguably, all  seasons are jam-packed, but the start of a school year seems to be especially busy. At  OTF, autumn brings a whirlwind of  activities and events.

Assessment Strategies that Work

Allison Campbell

In The Last Lecture, college professor Randy Pausch writes that for him the “number one goal [of education] was this: I wanted to help students learn how to judge themselves . . . In the end, educators best serve students by helping them be more self-reflective.”

Learn with Me Creating a Caring Environment (Equity and Women's Services)

Sherry Ramrattan Smith

“The pursuit of self-knowledge —knowledge of the self  as an individual, as a male or female, as a member of a race and community, as part  of a particular  age group — blends easily into a study of relations with others. Part of learning to care for one’s self is a concomitant learning