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Professional Learning

Your Federation

Bargaining, teacher pensions, and the October 14 federal election were the topics in the forefront  at  the  October  Representative  Council meeting. Representative Council brings together local presidents and executive members three times a year. The meeting is chaired by First Vice-President Sam Hammond.

Educators Learn to Make a Difference (From the President)

David Clegg

It is gratifying to be able to provide you with the second special edition of Voice dedicated to professional learning. You will recall that last year’s special issue celebrated the work that you do both in the classroom and collaboratively with your colleagues.

Your Federation: A Roundup of Federation News

  • ETFMembers who  are  innovating  with technology are taking part in a new professional  development program, Innoteach. At their first meeting, each member of the core group submitted  one  technology-based  curriculum document

Supporting Member in their Equity Work (Equity and Women's Services)

Sherry Ramrattan Smith

To engage in social justice advocacy and activism we must first acknowledge that inequities exist. To work for equality means that we question why things are they way they are, why some people hold power and others don’t, why some can have their voices heard while others are silenced.

French Language Teachers Need Support (CTF Report)

Emily Noble

The  Canadian  Teachers’  Federation  has  long advocated that students in elementary and secondary  schools  should have access to FSL programs  and  that  French  as  a  second  language teachers should be fully supported in their work.