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Professional Services

LTD Buyout – Take It or Leave It? (Professional Relations Services)

Professional Relations Services Staff

From time to time, an ETFO member on long-term disability will be approached by the insurance company with an offer of a one-time lump sum payment in settlement of her or his ongoing claim for monthly LTD benefits.  This  may seem like an enticing offer, and you may want to leap at the chance, bu

Teachers as Leaders: A Powerful Force (Professional Services)

Jerry DeQuetteville

In my second year of teaching I was provided with a powerful professional opportunity when I  became  part  of  the  leadership  team  for  a new, not-yet-opened school. The four of us met regularly with the principal and helped to determine the school’s general philosophy.

Think Before You Click (Professional Relations Services)

Professional Relations Services Staff

You may be checking your email  quickly to respond to a family member. Or you may be checking the weather, reading the news, buying tickets, or replying to a request to “add a friend” on Facebook. There may or may not be anyone else in the room.