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The Cloud in the Classroom: The Plugged-In Portable

David Carruthers

In addition to traditional computers, students in my classroom use mobile devices as learning tools to collaborate, investigate, innovate, and express themselves creatively. While students use these devices almost instinctively, teachers may struggle to understand their relevance to teaching and

Literacy in a Global, Digital Age

Johanna Brand

Joyce Public School is located in northwest Toronto, in an unprepossessing one-storey brick building. The Joyce school community, with a majority of immigrant families, is multicultural and multilingual. Many families have low incomes.

Your Federation

Local leaders attending the February Representative Council meeting heard the results of ETFO’s progress report survey. Local presidents and members who participated in the survey reported significant problems in the rollout of the new progress report.

Local Funding Supports Global Education

Janet Bigham

In October 2009, ETFO members Mali Bickley and Jim Carleton approached the  Simcoe  Teacher  Local  executive about becoming involved with the 17th annual  iEARN International  Conference and Youth Summit.

Embracing Technology (CTF Report)

Mary Lou Donnelly

In  September  Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty sparked a  string  of  debates among  Canadian teachers,   students, parents, and  the  public at large  with  his  comments  about  the  use  of cell phones in  the classroom.  Initially negative images were conjured up in people’s  minds:  students

Exploring Traditional Ways Online

Scottt Tate

It’s an unusual experience for the children of the First Nations School (FNS) in Toronto’s downtown east end to have a bearskin, with the animal’s head still attached, spread out in their room.