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Electrical Hazards in the Classroom

Valence Young

Working with electrical equipment is wired into an educator’s day. We handle SMART Boards, computers, audio-visual carts, and extension cords. If this wiring and equipment is damaged, faulty, or misused, it can become an electrical hazard.

Ideas for Greening Your Classroom

Jason Johnston

Teachers and schools have a key role to play in our planet’s future. Environmental education is a key component for creating a generation of students who understand that each of us can powerfully affect the fate of the natural world, environmental systems and their sustainability.

Queen's Park Rally for Education

Thousands of ETFO and other union members,  concerned  citizens,  and students converged on Queen’s Park on August 28 for the Rally for Education. Eighty-nine  busloads  of  ETFO  members arrived, some of whom travelled for  seven hours to attend the rally.

International Summit on the Teaching Profession (CTF Report)

Paul Taillefer

The second International Summit on the Teaching Profession held in March in New York included national teacher unions and education officials from 24 countries/regions with high-performing and rapidly improving educational systems.

Speaking of Pension... (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

Earlier this year, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) and our government partner developed the first of two surveys — one to be carried out this school year and one next school year.