CTF Co-Sponsors First National Media Education Week (CTF Report)
Media are a powerful force in the lives of youth. In particular, digital media have changed the way they communicate, play, and learn. Young people are immersed in media, moving beyond geographic and regulatory boundaries as they access, absorb, create, repurpose, and distribute media content.
To be media literate in this complex new environment, young people need to develop a range of critical thinking, communication, and information management skills. Media education is an essential tool to help them acquire these skills.
In order to highlight the importance of media and Web literacy as key learning areas in the new media environment, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) has partnered with Media Awareness Network (MNet) to create Canada’s first National Media Education Week, November 19-24, 2006.
To mark National Media Education Week, MNet and the CTF are working with partners in the education, library, broadcasting, NGO, and government sectors to develop and promote media education programs and activities as well as professional development opportunities.
Proposed activities, leading up to and during National Media Education Week, include:
- Launch event for the week
- Web-based professional development tools for teaching media literacy
- Conference presentations and panel discus- sions
- Academic institutes and symposiums
- Web-based teleconference for media educators
- Distribution of a flyer, poster, and booklet promoting media education
- Articles in educational publications and mainstream magazines
- Public service announcement (PSA) campaign for broadcast and print
- Information evenings and workshops for parents
- National multimedia student contest
The CTF Web site has a portal (http://www.ctf-fce.ca/nationalmediaeducationweek/default.htm) to act as working tool to provide resources and information on the week’s activities for participants and interested stakeholders.
The National Media Week Advisory Committee is composed of Media Awareness Network, Canadian Teachers’ Federation, Concerned Children’s Advertisers (CCA), Canadian Association of Media Education Organizations (CAMEO), Association for Media Literacy (AML), Nova Scotia Teachers Union, and Alberta Teachers’ Association.
To find out how you can incorporate media education in your classroom, visit the MNet Web page for teachers at http://www.media-awareness. ca/english/teachers/index.cfm or visit the National Media Education Week portal page: http://www. ctf-fce.ca/nationalmediaeducationweek/default.htm