Ready, Set, Code!
Lesley Pike and Melissa Seco explain unplugged coding for the primary grades.
Using Google Meet
Lindsay Mall on building virtual community when in-person events aren’t possible.
Fighting 'Fake News'
Erin Oxland writes about using a new resource called NewsWise to help her students learn critical thinking, navigate misinformation online and learn news and information literacy.
Teachers’ Use of Internet Materials in the Classroom
Changes to our country’s copyright laws in 2012 have established a clearer legal framework for digital technology and use of internet materials for learning purposes.
Adventures With Google Earth
The Ontario Social Studies/History/Geography curriculum offers potential connections to Google Earth on nearly every page of the 212-page document.
Forest of Technology
This program opened the door to creative thinking about literacy and technology that invigorated my passion for teaching and my students’ passion for learning.
Livening Up Assessment with Technology: Comparing Kahoot!, Socrative and Google Forms
Technology has as many uses for learning as ketchup does on food. Heinz would tell you it's endless. I'll tell you the same (excluding the ketchup analogy). Boosting engagement, eliciting smiles, commanding attention and increasing efficiency through technology at the points of instruction and learning are effective. But why not use technology creatively at the point of assessing?
Electronic Technology in Schools: Responsible and Ethical Use and Access
There are many ways in which electronic technology may be used in classrooms and school environments to enhance and promote student learning. Some technology is immediately familiar to students, and often includes instant audio and/or video recording features and immediate ability to share and post what has been recorded.
Gamification in the Classroom
Does the word gamification make you cringe? That’s okay. I get it. It sounds like an annoying made-up word. Like selfie or asap.
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