Together, We Will Continue to Fight to Make Our Vision for Public Education a Reality
Educators are the heart of our public education system. As you start the new school year, I want to thank you. At the provincial office, we’re committed to supporting you with resources and advocacy using all the channels available to us. We understand the challenges of systemic underfunding, under-resourcing and understaffing that create environments where student needs go unmet and educators are stretched beyond their capacities. Please know that ETFO is working hard to advocate for the needs of Ontario public schools and educators. We are lobbying the government, working with ministry workgroups, running robust public campaigns, creating opportunities for members to get engaged, staffing phone lines and developing programs and resources to support ETFO members.
Our advocacy work continues to move the entire public education community forward. Through efforts led by ETFO and other unions, educators challenged Bill 124 and were finally awarded a settlement this year. Our success serves as a testament to the power of collective action and solidarity and underscores the importance of unions and other advocacy groups to safeguarding the rights and democratic protections of workers.
Another significant victory happened on June 21, 2024, when the Supreme Court of Canada held in York Region District School Board v. Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to Ontario public school boards and that all actions by Ontario public school boards are subject to Charter scrutiny. After a nearly 10-year legal battle to protect our members, this historic decision provides welcome guidance about reasonable expectations of privacy in the workplace and the unintended or accidental disclosures of private communications. It unequivocally reaffirms ETFO’s position that educators have a right to the protections under section 8 of the Charter against unreasonable search and seizure and a reasonable expectation of privacy at work, a principle that is crucial for maintaining a safe and respectful working environment.
With a potential election looming this school year, it’s crucial to stay informed. The opportunity to change the government is coming! In the 2022 provincial election, voter turnout was less than 44%, a record low. Current polls suggest the Progressive Conservatives might secure a majority unless unions and progressive groups mobilize. ETFO is working to create opportunities for ETFO members to connect by organizing local and provincial member meetings, creating organizing tools and resources, and launching a robust back-to-school campaign that highlights the needs of public schools. Please look for information about an ETFO sponsored membership meeting in your local this fall. We hope that you will join us for a conversation about how ETFO can best meet your needs.
Please check out our new search tool on BuildingBetterSchools.ca, which allows members and the public to look up their school to find out how much funding has been cut since the Ford Conservatives came to power. We know that when adjusted for inflation, Ontario public schools are getting $1,500 less in per student funding compared to 2018. These funding shortfalls have a significant negative impact on our schools and our students, making this election incredibly important for public education.
Despite the many challenges presented to you, educators continue to deliver quality public education to students every day. ETFO will continue to advocate for your rights and the resources and supports your students need. We will continue to do so through advocacy work at the Ministry of Education, submissions to the provincial government, our public campaigns, and our organizing. We will fight to protect your professional judgement, to create the conditions that will facilitate adequate staffing and to ensure you are safe and supported at work. Stay up-to-date on what is happening at ETFO by signing up to the enewsletter at members.etfo.ca and to the public campaign at BuildingBetterSchools.ca.
We know that high-quality, equitable, and inclusive public schools are key to increasing equity in Ontario. Together, we will continue to fight to make our vision for public education a reality.
Looking forward to our work together this year.
– Sharon O’Halloran