Winter 2014
McKenna's Dream: An Animated Film, Teachers as Mentors: Encouraging Self-Worth Through Positive Relationships, Learning Life Skills Through Picture Books, Electronic Technology in Schools; Responsible and Ethical Use and Access
R. J. Palacio. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2012, 313 pages, $16.99
Toof and That Blanket; Specs and the Best Part; Bouncy and the Any Kind At All Fish
Jody Nyasia Warner. COPA, 2014, 21 pages, shipping charge only
Interweaving Curriculum and Classroom Assessment: Engaging the 21st-Century Learner
Susan M. Drake, Joanne L. Reid and Wendy Kiloton. Oxford Publishers, 2014, 240 pages, $34.95
Our Heroes: How Kids Are Making a Difference
Janet Wilson;Second Story Press, 201432 pages, $18.95