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Disability Issues

Harnessing Untapped Potential (Disability Issues)

Christine Brown

If you are reading this, you probably have a job. But in Canada, for the 2,457,350 potential labour force participants with disabilities (ages  15  to  64),  employment  is  fraught  with  barriers and uncertainties.

LTD Buyout – Take It or Leave It? (Professional Relations Services)

Professional Relations Services Staff

From time to time, an ETFO member on long-term disability will be approached by the insurance company with an offer of a one-time lump sum payment in settlement of her or his ongoing claim for monthly LTD benefits.  This  may seem like an enticing offer, and you may want to leap at the chance, bu

There is Strength in Numbers (Disability Issues )

Christine Brown

Though an ETFO member living with multiple sclerosis or depression may beg to differ, there are signs that as a society our collective awareness of disability issues has  risen. One reason is the simple fact that we have far better information today than we did a decade ago.

Your Federation: A Roundup of Federation News

Ontario’s new Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable David Onley, (left) spoke to local leaders at the February Representative Council meeting about the challenges of living with a disability.

Joy of Belonging

Johanna Brand

On a hot, cloudless day in June,  200 special needs students in the District School Board of Niagara took part in their first track and field day.

One Barrier at a Time (Disability Issues)

Christine Brown

Every now and then, the long journey toward an inclusive Ontario gets just a bit shorter, and the following story illustrates how that can happen. It features two  protagonists, and at first glance the power imbalance  between  the two appears insurmountable.

Planning Accessible Meetings (Disability Issues)

Darren Cooper

As the  2007–08  federation  year  gets  into  full swing, both the provincial office and ETFO locals will begin planning and holding numerous conferences and meetings. But will these events be fully inclusive and accessible for  ETFO’s members living and working with a disability?

ETFO Helps Set Standards (Disability Issues)

Darren Cooper

Members who self-identify as living and working with a disability – whether it is visible or nonvisible – are becoming more active in ETFO, and it is therefore important that our organization continues to raise awareness about issues of accessibility and inclusion. One way in which we are doing s