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Disability Issues

A Night at the Movies

Christine Brown

It is Friday at the end of a busy week, and you open your daily newspaper or go on-line to check the latest movie listings. For millions of Ontarians, the choice of films will be almost too abundant.

Christine Brown

To “progress” means to move for ward, and we like to think of technological progress as exactly that. Progress, however, sometimes leaves many people behind.

Defining Disability

Christine Brown

The new wave of activists took the medical model and turned it upside down. Don’t focus on the individual, they said – focus instead on the built and social environments in which the individual must function.

Hanno Weinberger

Vitusha Oberoi

The kindergarten kids at Tom Thomson PS are ready to leave for the day and Hanno Weinberger is a busy man. Many children need help with their jackets, a few have misplaced either their gloves or their caps, and one particular child has decided to use the washroom at the last minute.

Day of Disabled Persons

Cheryl MacMillan

On December 3, we celebrate the UN International Day of Disabled Persons - a day set aside to increase awareness and understanding of disability issues and trends, and to mobilize support for practical action at all levels, by, with and for persons with disabilities.