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Learn with Me Creating a Caring Environment (Equity and Women's Services)

Sherry Ramrattan Smith

“The pursuit of self-knowledge —knowledge of the self  as an individual, as a male or female, as a member of a race and community, as part  of a particular  age group — blends easily into a study of relations with others. Part of learning to care for one’s self is a concomitant learning 

My Goal: A More Open and Accountable Federation (From the President)

Sam Hammond

As you read this I trust you will be settled into the new school year. For educators September is a month of  change and adjustment, of setting goals, and establishing a classroom routine. By now you and your students are moving forward, working to make your goals a reality.

Your Federation

 In January and February ETFO President David Clegg met with locals to provide information on bargaining.

Tunnel Vision or Panoramic View? (Equity and Women's Services)

Sherry Ramrattan Smith

For some time now, I have been examining my thoughts and actions as I recall my years in the classroom. I use the question, “What stories did I construct about a child or children that imposed limitations or opened up possibilities for their learning and achievement?”

City Schools Challenging Poverty :Imagine

A snapshot of a dynamic, but imaginary, school of 515 students from diverse backgrounds, including Sabir, Aazim, and Hakimah, and their mother, Raidah. It illustrates a day in the life of a model inner city school.