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Mike Harris

Saying Goodbye to ETFO (From the President)

Emily Noble

This will  be  my  last  column  as  ETFO president. I have served on the ETFO provincial executive for nine years, the last five years as your president. It has been a privilege and a joy to watch this organization evolve into the accomplished union that it is today.

Advocating for Publicly Funded Education (OTF Report)

Hilda Watkins

Universally accessible, quality, publicly funded education is the fabric of democracy and the cornerstone of a just society. Nevertheless, over the last decade, Ontario has witnessed an unprecedented growth in the number of private schools.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Vivian McCaffrey

The fight against teacher recertification will only be won at the political level and with the support of strong, collective action on the part of teachers across the province.