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Provincial Politics

Vote Against Kids! Really?

Mary Morison, Johanna Brand

The political advertising campaign ETFO undertook this fall was the most visible – and the most controversial – campaign the federation has ever conducted.

Your Federation

Members of provincial parliament met with ETFO presidents and executive members at an informal breakfast gathering.

OTF Works to Represent the Profession (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

“It is  not  enough to  be busy. The question is:  What are we busy bout?” When Henry David Thoreau  made this  remark he was not relating them to the activities of OTF,  but his words resonate.

Your Federation

You may not have a disability now but you will probably have one eventually. That makes persons with disabilities “the minority of everyone,” says David Lepofsky.

Give Teachers the Time to Teach (From the President)

Sam Hammond

Over the  past several years there has been a significant increase in the number of literacy and numeracy initiatives that ETFO members are expected to implement. These initiatives come from the Ministry of Education, individual school boards, families of schools, or individual administrators.