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Provincial Politics

Enjoying Your Weekend? Thank the Union

Vivian McCaffrey

ETFO members have spent the last year standing up for the right to engage in free collective bargaining. In the process, we experienced some rude awakenings: a Liberal government that betrayed a decade-long relationship with education professionals and a growing bias against unions. The broader context of this experience helps us to both better understand the anti-union sentiment and fight against it.

The Way Forward: Putting Words into Action

Sam Hammond

The past year of negotiations has been a difficult one, but ETFO members have continued to stand strong and, through their solidarity, demonstrate that we are a force to be reckoned with.

Bargaining New Collective Agreements (From the President)

Sam Hammond

For ETFO the October provincial election was a success story: we worked hard to ensure the election of a majority of education-friendly candidates and that goal was accomplished with the election of 53 Liberals and 17 New Democrats.

Your Federation

Local leaders attending the February Representative Council meeting heard the results of ETFO’s progress report survey. Local presidents and members who participated in the survey reported significant problems in the rollout of the new progress report.