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Provincial Politics

Provincial Election 2007: Defending Public Education

Vivian McCaffrey

Last spring, as ETFO began preparing for the October 2007 election, the federation looked back on four years during which the government had worked constructively with education stakeholders to address issues affecting public education and the teaching profession.

A Passion for Politics

Vivian McCaffrey

With a provincial election scheduled for October 2007, ETFO members across Ontario will soon be planning how to support their chosen political party or how to campaign on issues. Is political involvement  important  for teachers?

From the General Secretary: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Gene Lewis

Every year  the  president  and  general  secretary of  ETFO  go to Queen’s Park to make a presentation to the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee. Our  goal is to influence government decisions prior to the release of the school grants later in the spring.