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Training for Leadership Anywhere

Contributors: Marg Roberts, PQP presenter; and PFS staff members Joan Littleford, Jan Moxey, and Johanna Brand

It’s called the principal’s qualifications program (PQP) but it’s not just for those who aspire to be administrators.Participants in ETFO’s PQP courses have found they are a valuable learning experience for anyone who wants to become an e

Child Care: You Make the Difference (From The General Secretary)

Gene Lewis

The federal government’s decision to cancel the child care agreements signed with Ontario and other Canadian provinces is a shameful act. It is a blow to all of us working for the establishment of a national system of early childhood education for our children.

Teachers: Pillars of Democracy

Dianne Woloschuk

Each new school year brings with it the excitement of fresh faces in the classroom, smiles and laughter, and the shared energy of learning together.  September inevitably zooms by, and, as teachers, we find ourselves once again completely immersed in the work of teaching and learning, and in the