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Member service at the heart of leadership

Barbara Burkett

On August 17, 2005, the delegates to the ETFO annual meeting elected their provincial executive for the 2005–2007 term and my life changed.

I was  elected  to  the  position  of  vice-president female. Leadership in ETFO is challenging and personally enriching.

Mentoring: an inside look at Federation work

Karen Chow

The ETFO protective services mentorship program has provided me with an incredible insight into the broader scope of the work of the Federation beyond the activities in individual locals.

Peel Workshops Tackle Cultural Barriers

Vitusha Oberoi

Classroom noise, chit chat with superiors, students working in groups – these are among the challenges that teachers from other countries face when they step into a North American school.

Occasional Teachers Set New Standards (Collective Bargaining)

Dave Kendall

This round of bargaining has definitely created a new era for our occasional teacher locals. Negotiations have improved the working conditions in many areas, have established a number of significant gains, and have also revealed some challenges for reform.