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Arts Education and User Fees (CTF Report)

Winston Carter

From an early age, children naturally immerse themselves in drama, dance, music, the visual arts, literary arts, and the media: to play, to learn, to communicate, to celebrate, and to discover who they are.

"Effaçons les préjugés pour de bon"

Ces plans de leçons sont tirés du document Effaçons les préjugé pour de bon, la traduction de l’excellent  document d’appui au curriculum, W

School Supervision Committees: Assuming the responsibility

Dave Kendall

Before this current collective agreement became effective, principals dutifully prepared supervision schedules and the dialogue occurring between the principal and staff about the schedule depended upon the principal’s leadership style.

A Night at the Movies

Christine Brown

It is Friday at the end of a busy week, and you open your daily newspaper or go on-line to check the latest movie listings. For millions of Ontarians, the choice of films will be almost too abundant.

Motion in Poetry

Johanna Brand

Participants in ETFO’s 2006 Leadership Conference were able to experience Wendy Brathwaite’s work first hand. Brathwaite, whose stage name is Motion, performed several powerful poems.