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An Induction Program for Occasional Teachers (Professional Services)

Joanne Languay and Johanna Brand

The path to a permanent teaching job often winds through the challenges of occasional teaching. Statistics show that most new teachers start as occasional teachers, and that many remain on an OT list for up to three years before acquiring their first permanent contract.1

Saying Goodbye to ETFO (From the President)

Emily Noble

This will  be  my  last  column  as  ETFO president. I have served on the ETFO provincial executive for nine years, the last five years as your president. It has been a privilege and a joy to watch this organization evolve into the accomplished union that it is today.

A Message from the Minister of Education

Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Minister of Education

As the Minister of Education, it is my privilege and responsibility to visit as many schools and classrooms as I can across the province. By experiencing your classrooms first-hand, I can begin to see the impact of decisions made by government at Queen’s Park.