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Pension Outlook: A Small Contribution Increase (OTF)

Hilda Watkins

Members of the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan understand  that  they  enjoy  a  superior  array of  benefits  as  part  of  their  pension  package. Recognizing that fact, members in a survey last year supported phased increases in their benefit contributions.

Supporting Member in their Equity Work (Equity and Women's Services)

Sherry Ramrattan Smith

To engage in social justice advocacy and activism we must first acknowledge that inequities exist. To work for equality means that we question why things are they way they are, why some people hold power and others don’t, why some can have their voices heard while others are silenced.

Mould in Schools: A Continuing Health Concern

Susan Ansara and Jackie Pynaert

The negative health effects of mould in public buildings first came to light about two decades ago. Despite years of research and media attention, the potentially debilitating health effects of mould are still poorly understood.

One Barrier at a Time (Disability Issues)

Christine Brown

Every now and then, the long journey toward an inclusive Ontario gets just a bit shorter, and the following story illustrates how that can happen. It features two  protagonists, and at first glance the power imbalance  between  the two appears insurmountable.