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French Language Teachers Need Support (CTF Report)

Emily Noble

The  Canadian  Teachers’  Federation  has  long advocated that students in elementary and secondary  schools  should have access to FSL programs  and  that  French  as  a  second  language teachers should be fully supported in their work.

Members Speak Out on Pension Issues (OTF Report)

Hilda Watkins

Delegates  to  the  ETFO  Annual  Meeting  reelected me to the position of OTF table officer. After serving for a year as OTF president, it is my pleasure to be able to continue to inform you about  issues pertinent to the 155,000 teachers employed in Ontario’s publicly funded schools.

Think Before You Click (Professional Relations Services)

Professional Relations Services Staff

You may be checking your email  quickly to respond to a family member. Or you may be checking the weather, reading the news, buying tickets, or replying to a request to “add a friend” on Facebook. There may or may not be anyone else in the room.

Planning Accessible Meetings (Disability Issues)

Darren Cooper

As the  2007–08  federation  year  gets  into  full swing, both the provincial office and ETFO locals will begin planning and holding numerous conferences and meetings. But will these events be fully inclusive and accessible for  ETFO’s members living and working with a disability?