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Teachers as Leaders: A Powerful Force (Professional Services)

Jerry DeQuetteville

In my second year of teaching I was provided with a powerful professional opportunity when I  became  part  of  the  leadership  team  for  a new, not-yet-opened school. The four of us met regularly with the principal and helped to determine the school’s general philosophy.

There is Strength in Numbers (Disability Issues )

Christine Brown

Though an ETFO member living with multiple sclerosis or depression may beg to differ, there are signs that as a society our collective awareness of disability issues has  risen. One reason is the simple fact that we have far better information today than we did a decade ago.

A Vote for Your Rights (Collective Bargaining)

Christine Brown

Within  the  next  couple  of  months  you  will receive notification that your ETFO local is holding a vote to ratify the preliminary submission for the upcoming round of negotiations.

Cyber Conduct: A reality Check (CTF Report)

Emily Noble

New technologies have had a tremendous impact on learning. They have brought many benefits to students and teachers. But they have also led to some destructive behaviours.