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Representation in the "Great White North"

Colleen Elep and Chad Mills consider why diverse representations of the outdoors matter and what educators can do to make sure they are inclusive of all their students.

Reflections of Me

ETFO Voice

On May 5, 2004, the Federation proudly released Reflections of Me: The ETFO Body Image Project. The launch took place at the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Veux-tu etre dans mon equipe?

André Charlebois

La classe de fran^ais langue seconde est un milieu rempli de vitalite, de joie, de connaissances, de culture et de besoins differents. Chaque eleve y arrive avec un bagage d'experiences qui refletent sa famille et son milieu social.

Who is Watching the Watchers?

Charlotte Morgan

On seven women were: detained by police in Guelph, allegedly for breaching the public peace. The women had been participating in a protest organized by local teachers against the education policies of the Mike Harris government.

Mentoring New Teachers

Kathy Clarke and Kelly Hayes

Data from the ontario teachers' pension plan indicates that 18 percent of new teachers are at risk of leaving the profession.

Health and Safety: It's About You

Ruth Ann Morley

When you say Occupational Health and Safety to education workers, they start talking about what they do to keep their students safe. The focus on students is admirable, but it misses the point. Occupational Health and Safety is about workers.

Campaign 200

Christine Brown

By now you will probably have seen ETFO’s billboards, listened to our radio advertisements, or heard about the upcoming negotiations. For public elementary teachers, “200 minutes” is about to become a very familiar phrase.

Spelling: Connecting the Pieces

Ruth McQuirter Scott, Ed.D.

How can teachers provide the necessary support for all students so that they can experience success as spellers? The following suggestions provide a framework that you can adapt to your grade and classroom.

Ontario's New Headmaster

Alanna Mitchell

Michael Fullan is the man Dalton McGuinty hopes will help him become the province's best education premier since Bill Davis. Alanna Mitchell talks to the schooling guru whose profile has been higher abroad than at home - until now

Day of Disabled Persons

Cheryl MacMillan

On December 3, we celebrate the UN International Day of Disabled Persons - a day set aside to increase awareness and understanding of disability issues and trends, and to mobilize support for practical action at all levels, by, with and for persons with disabilities.