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Book cover of Apartment 713

Apartment 713

By Kevin Sylvester. Harper Collins Canada, 2022. 256 pages, $23.99.
Reviewed by Karen Kelly

My Grade 4 class enjoyed the time-travelling adventure Apartment 713 by Kevin Sylvester, a captivating and heartwarming middlegrade novel that seamlessly weaves mystery, time travel and a powerful message of empathy and friendship.

When Jake moves with his mom to the Regency, a rundown building under threat of demolition, he hates it. Lonely and missing his old home, Jake slowly explores the building and gets to know some of his neighbours, who warn him to stay away from apartment 713. When he finds himself drawn to the mysterious apartment, everything changes.

The story centres around Jake and his new friend Beth, but my students felt that the main character was the enigmatic apartment, a place that holds secrets and mysteries beyond imagination. Sylvester brilliantly combines historical elements with a modern twist, allowing the characters to visit pivotal moments in history. The vivid descriptions and meticulous attention to historical accuracy bring these time-travelling experiences to life, making the book both educational and entertaining. The idea of time travel sparked great discussions and imagination in our class.

The book’s intricate mystery elements kept my students engaged and eager to unravel the secrets hidden within the apartment. These twists and turns, combined with the time travel, created an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement that made it hard to stop the story at the end of any given chapter.

The characters demonstrate the importance of understanding and supporting one another, even in the face of adversity. As an educational tool, this book has the potential to spark students’ interest in history and encourage them to explore the past further. It is an excellent resource for teachers looking to introduce students to new genres.

This time-travelling adventure kept my young students hooked, while the powerful friendship between Jake and Beth left a lasting impression. This book is not only an enjoyable read but also a valuable educational tool that easily links different content areas of the curriculum. As a class, we highly recommend this wonderful book.

Karen Kelly is a member of the Limestone Teacher Local.