Spring 2015
Churchill School of Rock, Dance is Elementary to Education, Art Dolls: Expression of Artistic Equity and Diversity
The First Duck
Barb McIlquham: Mighty Music Makers, 2014 CD – $17.70 (plus HST and $3.99 for shipping). Download album – $16.99 (plus HST). Download song – $1.99 (plus HST)
Severn and the Day She Silenced the World
Janet Wilson. Second Story Press, 2014, 184 pages, $14.95
Whimsy’s Heavy Things
Julie Kraals. Tundra Books, 2013, 32 pages, $19.99
Dramathemes, 4th Edition
Larry Swartz. Pembroke Publishers, 2014, 160 pages, $24.95