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The ABC's of Viola Desmond

Grade 4 students at William King Elementary School and teachers Pam Caines and Beatrice MacDonald. Delmore “Buddy” Daye Learning Institute, 2016. 54 pages, $23.95

Books to Bars

Francesca Alfano

Francesca Alfano talks about volunteering with Books to Bars, using her skills and passion as a teacher-librarian to bring books and reading programs to incarcerated women.

Girls' Government

Tanya Ferro

Tanya Ferro reflects on her students’ participation in Girls’ Government, a program that encourage grade 8 girls to get involved in government and public policy.

Teaching Indigenous Histories

Tanya C. Leary

Tanya Leary considers the “danger of a single story” and the importance of ensuring that students learn Indigenous stories through Indigenous voices.

Ontario's Austerity Agenda

Vivian McCaffrey

Vivian McCaffrey looks at the results of austerity measures introduced in Ontario half a decade ago.

Myths About ETFO's Women's Programs

Kelly Hayes

Many unions produce materials for women members. Few do as much as ETFO. As a result, ETFO’s women’s programs are recognized internationally.

Cross-Country Check-Up

Vivian McCaffrey

Given that education unions have memberships that are predominantly female, austerity in the education sector is clearly a women’s issue.

Building Community

Mandi Hardy

The point of talking about privilege is not to make people feel bad, or guilty; it is that recognizing privilege is the only hope we have of breaking down the system to make it fairer for everyone.