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Hamster Teaches Literacy

Jim Giles

Literacy has become a priority in Ontario schools: uninterrupted literacy blocks are now part of the daily timetable in many primary and junior classrooms.


Charles Wyszkowski

“Though the developed countries of the world presently have the resources to feed and educate everyone on earth, more than half the world’s children live in abject poverty ... JUMP was founded in reaction to the institutionalized apathy and ignorance that underlie these problems.”

Tout le monde en bénéficie!

André Charlebois

Tous les enseignants et enseignantes de français langue seconde en Ontario sont au prise avec le bulletin scolaire de rélève.

International Walk to School Day

ETFO Voice

In October 2003, more than 850 Ontario schools, or 330,000 students, participated in International Walk to School Day. They joined thousands of schools in 29 other countries around the world 'blazing trails in the urban jungle.'

Spelling: Connecting the Pieces

Ruth McQuirter Scott, Ed.D.

How can teachers provide the necessary support for all students so that they can experience success as spellers? The following suggestions provide a framework that you can adapt to your grade and classroom.