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Tara Zwolinski
Tara Zwolinski on the problems inherent in the EQAO and its negative impacts on students and educators.

From the Editor

Izida Zorde
The spring issue of Voice is focussed on moving forward and organizing together for the change we want to see. The pandemic has been incredibly difficult for educators and other frontline workers and we all look forward to finally moving beyond it and rebuilding towards a future that centres equity and investment in public education, public services and communities.

Telling a Different Story

Francesca Alfano

Francesca Alfano reviews Peter Moss’s Transformative Change and Real Utopias in Early Childhood Education, a book which proposes that the neoliberal narrative currently being used to understand early childhood education is not neutral or inevitable.

What Kind of Citizen?

Vivian McCaffrey

Westheimer’s view is that the goals of education have shifted away from preparing students to be active and engaged citizens. Through standardized curriculum and standardized testing, schools have moved to a more narrow focus on career preparation and individual economic gain.

OTF Works to Represent the Profession (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

“It is  not  enough to  be busy. The question is:  What are we busy bout?” When Henry David Thoreau  made this  remark he was not relating them to the activities of OTF,  but his words resonate.