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The Importance of Equity (From the General Secretary)

Victoria Réaume

In the context of the current political climate, finding ways to work across our differences is more important than ever. That is one of the messages labour leader, community activist, and educator Winnie Ng brought to our February Representative Council.

What is Quality Education?

Dianne Woloschuk

In recent years, the question “What does quality education look like?” has prompted a number of markedly varying responses.

Looking Forward (From the General Secretary)

Victoria Réaume

ETFO has done a great deal in the past couple of years to fight for our  collective  bargaining  rights and the democratic rights of all Ontarians. I  have  been  inspired and awed as I’ve watched ETFO members respond to unfair and undemocratic government initiatives with strength, commitment, and dedication.

ETFO Wins Concrete Gains (From the General Secretary)

Gene Lewis
The past year of negotiations has been challenging for ETFO members, but through solidarity and collective action ETFO has consistently shown that we are united in our commitment to democracy and the protection of our members.