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ETFO AQ: a Superior Learning Experience

Jerry DeQuetteville and Nancy Baldree

ETFO is recognized as the foremost provider of professional learning activities for teachers in  Ontario, if not Canada.

The Next Challenge (From the General Secretary)

Gene Lewis

By the time this magazine reaches you, most teacher and occasional teacher locals will have  negotiated  collective  agreements  with their boards. The  deadline for reaching agreements was April 24.

When Information is Dangerous (From the President)

David Clegg

Recently  with the Ministry of Education launched, with no prior notice, a new website, the School  Information  Finder.  It’s  a  site  that pulls together information about schools, their EQAO scores, and selective demographic characteristics of  students and their families.

2009 Global Action Week (CTF Report)

Emily Noble

Join millions around the world for The Big Read The Global Campaign for Education is calling for an exciting action on April 22, The Big Read, which we hope will unite  millions as did The World’s Biggest Lesson last year. Last year, our World’s Biggest Lesson was a resounding  s

A new Vision for Provincewide testing (OTF Report)

Hilda Watkins

For the past year the  Ontario  Teachers’ Federation  (OTF)  has worked on a new vision for student assessment in Ontario – one that examines other means of measuring student  achievement and demonstrating accountability to the public.