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My Goal: A More Open and Accountable Federation (From the President)

Sam Hammond

As you read this I trust you will be settled into the new school year. For educators September is a month of  change and adjustment, of setting goals, and establishing a classroom routine. By now you and your students are moving forward, working to make your goals a reality.

ETFO Is a Union of Leaders (From the General Secretary)

Gene Lewis

ETFO is an organization made up of  73,000 potential leaders. Most of our members chose education as a career because they wanted to lead and  support others, to help them grow and  achieve. Without that  impulse it’s unlikely you would have wanted to  become a teacher in the first place.

Teacher Leadership Today

Johanna Brand

THIS IS THE THIRD  ANNUAL  special edition of Voice. In 2007 our special issue theme was teacher-led professional learning. In  2008  we focused on  education  and poverty.

Stress in the Classroom – A WSIB Claim? (Professional Relations)

Professional Relations Services Staff

There  is  no  denying  that  work-related stress is  on  the  rise  among  classroom teachers.  Ontario   Teachers’  Insurance Plan statistics show that stress and mental health illnesses make up 39 percent of all claims for long-term disability.

Bargaining is Group Work (Collective Bargaining)

Christine Brown

As this is being written, only a handful of settlements have been negotiated. All  of  them  are   excellent,  despite the  very  major  challenge  that  this year’s   unusual  bargaining  scenario being presented.

Reading the Signs (Disability Issues)

Christine Brown

With the economy contracting, we are  likely  to  see  the  resurrection of the myth that accessibility is  just too costly. In  fact, most workplace barriers to full participation could be eliminated with little or no cost attached.