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For Women With Disabilities Numbers Tell a Story (Disability Issues)

Christine Brown

If you are a woman with a disability living in Canada, you have lots of company –over 2.3 million people, in fact. You are a part of the 17.7 percent of women in the adult population who report, as Statistics Canada phrases it, an “activity limitation.”

Lessons from Our Children’s Coaches (CTF Report)

Mary Lou Donnelly

Most minor league hockey coaches will agree that  knowing the  results  of  last  night’s game  will   not    indicate  how  well  your child’s team is  performing.  What coaches realize — but education  bureaucrats tend to ignore — is that they can only assess their team’s performance by watchin

Provincial Testing: Time for Change (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

There is no question that one of the issues that creates unyielding solidarity among OTF and the  teacher  federations is  the political philosophy that  has developed around  large-scale  testing  in   Ontario’s public schools!  We  all  firmly  object  to  provincewide EQAO testing  and   the 

Resolving Workplace Disputes (Collective Bargaining)

Christine Brown

Disputes are part of life,  and that means they are part of the normal ebb and flow of any  workplace.  Key to the underlying philosophy of  our   labour  laws  is   the notion  that  when  disputes arise,  it   is   important  that  there   be  an  orderly, accessible, well- reasoned mechanism f