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New School Year, New Resources (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

Is there any time in the school year that is more hectic than the  fall?  Arguably, all  seasons are jam-packed, but the start of a school year seems to be especially busy. At  OTF, autumn brings a whirlwind of  activities and events.

Connecting With Parents (New Teacher's Column)

Vel Liut

In this  data-driven and networked  age, teachers must be prepared  to use many strategies to support student   learning.  Technical  supports have made it  possible for  educators to  communicate more fully with parents.

To Share or Not to Share: LTD and the Internet (Professional Relations Services)

Professional Relations Services Staff

Surveillance  is one of the tools an insurance carrier may sometimes use  in  assessing a claim for  long-term disability (LTD) benefits. This is not a new practice nor is it illegal. But did you know that the personal information  you  share  over various Internet social networks may also be use