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Letting The Leader Shine (Equity and Women's Services)

Katrina Kenny

The concept of a Girls’ Leadership Conference sprang from a successfulthree-day Girls’ Leadership Retreat with 80 Grade 7 girls. These same girls and eight teachers who attended the retreat were also invited toattend the conference.

The Essential Voice of Canadian Teachers (CTF Report)

Paul Taillefer

I was delighted  to  speak  at  ETFO’s annual general meeting in  August –  my first speak- ing engagement as president of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation.  As I begin my two-year term, I look forward to  working with  both President Sam Hammond  and General Secretary  Gene Lewis, who are  memb

Focusing on Children's Mental Health (Professional Services)

Nancy Baldree

About one in five Ontario children and youth faces a mental health challenge. These young people deal with issues such as anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,   depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and eating  disorders.