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OTF Works to Represent the Profession (OTF Report)

Rian McLaughlin

“It is  not  enough to  be busy. The question is:  What are we busy bout?” When Henry David Thoreau  made this  remark he was not relating them to the activities of OTF,  but his words resonate.

Connecting Classrooms to the Community ( CTF Report)

Mary Lou Donnelly

UNESCO describes  the role of education for sustainable  development as helping people “develop  the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to make  informed decisions for the benefit of themselves and others, now and for the future, and to act upon those decisions.” This is the core of a new CTF progr

If It Happens to You (Professional Relations Services)

Professional Relations Services Staff

Many  of  you  will  have  read  the Robert Munsch story, Thomas’ Snowsuit, to  your students.  When  Thomas refuses  to  put on his snowsuit to go out to play at recess, his teacher and his principal try to force him into it.

Sharing, Teaching, Learning (Professional Services)

Johanna Brand and Ann Rodrigue

Every year thousands  of ETFO members  take part in a rich form of professional learning, learning that takes place in their own classrooms.  It’s  a learning opportunity that happens when they agree to become associate teachers. Associate teachers are those who volunteer to have a student teache